1) Providing parents of individuals with IDD group opportunities for support and connection.
2) Connecting DSPs with Montgomery College to explore offering field experience placements as a workforce pipeline.
3) Advocating for a local START pilot to provide more appropriate behavioral health crisis response for individuals with IDD.
These next steps build on existing community resources to address concerns raised by participants.
CoAct is a PCC process designed to support action-oriented learning. It builds on PCC’s experience supporting learning collaboratives, issue convenings, and process improvement. PCC chose IDD services as the focus for the initial CoAct series following its experience supporting DSPs in their pandemic response. This work highlighted how complex the needs can be for residents with IDD and the number of providers and systems that must coordinate effectively to meet them.
Is there a topic you think needs a CoAct? Share your thoughts with Kristine Gallagher Sargsyan at [email protected].
Thank you to the stakeholders and experts who participated in this process, and thank you to our 30th Anniversary Sponsors at Kaiser Permanente whose support helped make the series possible.