“The Board’s job is to keep the Primary Care Coalition’s mission front of mind and to help the organization accomplish its goals,” said Sexton. “Leslie Graham is an outstanding leader with an excellent staff. The PCC does a great job managing and coordinating programs and building good systems.”
According to Sexton, the Board’s challenge for 2024, beyond its usual responsibilities, is to update PCC’s Strategic Plan for the next three years.
“It’s the Board’s ongoing job to make sure that systems and finances are in place and that the programs work and are accessible,” said Sexton. “In addition, a new Strategic Plan needs to be completed by the end of the calendar year. This provides us with a strong focus.”
A preliminary presentation of a recently completed environmental scan that identifies community health needs and assesses the overall environment for meeting them was presented to the Board at its December meeting. The Board will consider factors like population trends in Montgomery County, including developments like an increase in unaccompanied minors, the aging of its residents, and other factors as it develops the Strategic Plan.
Sexton’s previous leadership experience at Holy Cross Hospital will provide a helpful perspective to him in his role. He retired from Holy Cross Health in 2016 as the organization’s longest-serving president and chief executive officer. He understands what it takes to work with a board, having done so from the other side. During his 18 years of leadership at Holy Cross Health, the system won awards for quality performance and its record of community service. He led a reorganization that included the creation of the Holy Cross Health Network, which created/managed four community health centers, two centers providing OB/GYN care for uninsured women, and other community health initiatives. Sexton also served for eight years on the Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission, including six years as vice chair, so he also thoroughly understands the state hospital rate-setting system.
“I joined the Primary Care Coalition’s Board of Directors when they invited me because I had high regard for their work,” said Sexton. “There are still gaps in the system, but these programs help, and I think PCC does an exceptional job focusing on improving and expanding them. My hope is that PCC can get more involved at the state level to improve care coordination on a broader scale.”